Liberal Arts and Sciences: General Studies: A.S.
Program Mission
Early Childhood A.A.S
Early Childhood/Childhood Education Studies A.S.
Adolescence Education Studies A.S.
Loading… The Liberal Arts and Sciences: General Studies Associate in Science program is designed to provide students with a broader range of curricular choices so that, under the guidance of faculty advisors, they can align their associate degrees more closely with four-year programs. The intent is to allow students with clear academic and/or career goals in teaching to structure their associate degree programs and to transfer as juniors to four-year colleges and institutions, needing only four additional semesters to complete the baccalaureate degree. General Education courses totaling a minimum of 30 – 33 credits are required of General Studies (AS) students, leaving a like number of elective credits. The total number of credits needed to fulfill the LAGS degree program credit hour requirement for students is 63.
Contact Information
Advised Career Pathways:
Teacher Education/Early Childhood Education Department supervised by:
Lisa Strahley, Chair of Teacher Education/Early Childhood
Office: Titchener 210G
Telephone: 607-778-5029